Final Project

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Tomi Monahan

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

Week 0

Assignment ' In the slide below, a report of what has been achieved this far and what is still ahead is listed. The constraints mentioned in the following slides reflect a change towards adapting to th p5js step sequencer limitations. Notes are dropped into the sequencer as the loop plays in accordance with the step that is active. in the following sketches, the interface has been reduced considerably in the number of buttons available to a player. ...

Week 01

Assignment ’ I began by making a breadboard diagram in Fritzing followed by a schematic diagram in circuit-diagram.org. The diagrams portray two LEDs connected to Arduino pins 9 and 10 as outputs and a button connected to Arduino port 2 as an input. I succumbed to looking at the code solutions first. But I ran through all the tutorials. I might need an explanation on thresholds and how to use the trigger variable. ...

Week 02

Assignment ’ 1. Find an interesting existing Alt+Ctrl Interface From among the 2020 selected controllers in the GDC alt.ctrl archive, ’Our Sutured City’ best aligns with my earlier interest in E-Textiles. In this example, the graphic elements of the tapestry taken together ¥depict a town map, providing the basis for an adventure game. Elements of the tapestry are embedded with conductive patches linked to capacitive sensors which respond to human touch. ...

Week 03

Assignment ’ 1. PCB-SVG In Monday’s class, guest lecturer Leo McElroy inteoduced us to the PCB-SVG tool through which printed circuit boards can be designed. These PCB designs can then be etched using the SVG file as a mask or milled with a CNC machine by converting the SVG to gcode. The layout of the browser based tool situates a javascript window upon the left and a svg design window on the right. ...

Week 04

Assignment ’ 1. Serial Communication between Arduino and other Software In testing a P5js sketch to read the data from the serial port, I first uploaded the Arduino code. This code receives and prints out data from the light and distance sensors connected to the Arduino board. In p5js, it is necessary to first include the tag for the p5.webserial library in the index.html file. When the mouse is pressed, options for connecring to the Arduino are displayed. ...

Week 05

Assignment ' This week I began formulating a basic game conept for the final project. The project then would incorporate elements from both Physical Computing and Computational Art & Design courses. Below are is the first iteration of a gameboard/textile which would be embedded with capacitive sensors. The rectangular features on the board are divided further into smaller rectangles. These rectangles correspond to a specific step location on a step sequencer. ...

Week 07

Assignment ’ in the last week of final project I’m rushing to get the mold printed on the university’s 3d printers. I manage to do a quick casting with dragon skin which takes 4 hours to cure. Before this I’ve had to cut my mold’s top plate on leaving a small bridge that will allow the cavity for the Teensy to be created. The results are mixed. I would have to cut into the underside of the silicone to allow space for wiring but the pad is itself only a few millimeters thick. ...